Staré Město pod Sněžníkem

Town and important recreation centre in area of Králický Sněžník and Rychleby mountains. First mentioned in 13rd century as mining village. Town was plundered by Swedish army in the year 1645. Interesting buildings are Renaissance church of St. Anna from the year 1618 or baroque town hall from the year 1680, rebuilt in 1895. On the square you can see several houses in empire style.

Staré město pod Sněžníkem - Web: 

City Information Centre - náměstí Osvobození 166, 788 32 Staré Město pod Sněžníkem, tel.: 583 239 134, e-mail:

Stare Mesto pod Sneznikem - churchStare Mesto pod Sneznikem - church
Church in Stare Mesto
Stare Mesto pod Sneznikem - town hallStare Mesto pod Sneznikem - town hall
Town hall
Sight to surroundings in summerSight to surroundings in summer
Sight to surroundings in summer
Military fortifications SvahMilitary fortifications Svah
Military fortifications Svah